_place title here_

Hi. This is me. Welcome! My disclaimer: This is a casual journal, not a dissertation. Therefore, please disregard any punctuational, grammatical and spelling mistakes I am sure to make. Enjoy!


Happy St. Patty's Day

Gosh, I didn't think it had been this long since I updated this thing!  Oh well.  My Tivo has run out of things for me to watch, but I don't feel like doing anything, either.  I gave blood today so I am being a little strange, but I guess that is to be expected.

OK, update.  I got a job at a graphic design studio.  I am an intern at the moment, and I am glad because there is a lot I needed to learn.  I get to work from home at the moment, and I only have to put on grown-up clothes once a week.  I am really glad because if I had to get up and get dressed and go into an office every day, i would almost rather be unemployed.  Jeremy is jealous of me... 

On the other hand, it can get lonely.  I accidentaly filled my apnea machine up w/ water too high last night and choked in my sleep--FUN!  it got me thinking about if I died in a freak apnea-machine-related accident, who would be the first to discover me?  The truth is, It would probably be weeks before anyone wondered where I was enough to come looking for me.  I'll be one of those news stories where they find me but my dog, who was trapped in the room with me, had devoured some of my corpse because he was hungry, and the room would be covered in dog poo.  Not the best sleepy-time thought...   BUT, I won't care about it by then because I'll be in a much better place.  :D

Have a great day!