_place title here_

Hi. This is me. Welcome! My disclaimer: This is a casual journal, not a dissertation. Therefore, please disregard any punctuational, grammatical and spelling mistakes I am sure to make. Enjoy!


ATTACK OF THE CLONES COMES OUT ON WEDNESDAY!!!!! i can't wait! Actually.......I CAN wait, because rather than going to the movie on wednesday, jeremy and i are driving to tipp city for a concert. It's Pillar, THe Benjamin Gate, and East West. It's is going to be so fun! We got both tickets for 30 bucks! Can't beat that! I love this music! If you want to find out about the concert (love to see someone else there!!) go to www.radiou.com and click on features. It's called the Fireproof tour. ok, plug over... I haven't been able to do anything fun like this in a while, so i am really looking forward to it!


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