_place title here_

Hi. This is me. Welcome! My disclaimer: This is a casual journal, not a dissertation. Therefore, please disregard any punctuational, grammatical and spelling mistakes I am sure to make. Enjoy!


It has been a really rough week! I have become soft in my old age: I found myself complaining that i have only been getting five hours of sleep a night. I remember when 5 hours of sleep was the best gift i could recieve! I set the wrong alarm this morning, (i meant to set the one for 7:00, but i set the one for 9:00, and i was supposed to be at work at 9:15!) I still woke up at 8:00, without an alarm. I actually NATURALLY wake up at *8:00* IN THE MORNING!!! That used to be way too early, but now i feel lucky when i get to sleep that long. I even got up then after the night i woke up because of a tornado warning at 4am and had to sit in my bathtub for an hour till it was over, and i STILL was wide awake at 8! HOw i long for the days when i would stay up till the wee hours, and then sleep till noon! But then again, if i did that, i would also have to go to classes, and write papers, and eat food from the dining halls (wait a minute, i still do that...what do you think mall food is?!?!) and live in a single room the size of my closet.
...on second thought, maybe this is better!

this month is going to be rough though. I work the next five days in a row (doesn't sound difficult, but believe me, in retail, that is a prison sentence!) and then a week later, i'm working 8 days in a row! I have to work 3 out of 4 weekends, both days. generally a crappy schedule. But, i got every sunday off durring march (minor miracle!) so it all panns out, i guess. I have to work almost 10 hrs tomorrow (SUNDAY!) but i don't have to come in till 2 on monday.

So, in short, I am going to see spiderman tonight, instead of doing my laundary, and i am going to eat and entire bucket of popcorn for dinner, instead of a real dinner, and i will enjoy every minute of it because i have no other shreds of a life! HAHAHA!!!

(deep cleansing breath) ...i feel better now...


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