_place title here_

Hi. This is me. Welcome! My disclaimer: This is a casual journal, not a dissertation. Therefore, please disregard any punctuational, grammatical and spelling mistakes I am sure to make. Enjoy!


I am in rebellion today.

I have a very long list of things that need to be done (day off my ASS) but i am sitting here on the computer instead. I finally have things at work down to a soft scream, and then i realized i haven't paid any bills this month, all the food in my kitchen has gone bad because i haven't been here to eat it, and i have no clothes to wear. ack!

Good news is, the ants have finally died. I put down some ant traps, and they have gone to ant heaven.

I get my new glasses today! (i hope!) suffice it to say the newest ones from lens crafters are not that good. *clears throat* but i digress...

jeremy is still working on getting some income. He was offered a job at wal-wart, but it didn't pay enough for him to live on. He was thinking about negotiating the pay to something higher, but he didn't like the hours either. Not very gig-friendly. He is getting paid for some gigs now! So far, 10 dollars a gig, but it's better than nothing. He is playing in a dixieland band regularly now (more than just a fill in) that actally does get paid. A gig later this month is going to pay the band 500 dollars! He will probably see about 30 of it, because there are 8 people in the band. wait...500...divided by 8... more like 60! cool! so things are looking up! Right now, he is thinking he could do 2 part time jobs, and still be more gig-friendly, and bring in more money that a full time job. have to crunch some numbers once we get more info...

okay, i am getting hungary, and since i have no edible food, i have to go shopping before i can eat. and before i go shopping, i have to clean the kitchen, so i have a place to put everything, and then i will have to clean myself up so i can be decent in public. so, maybe i'll just eat dinner today...



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