_place title here_

Hi. This is me. Welcome! My disclaimer: This is a casual journal, not a dissertation. Therefore, please disregard any punctuational, grammatical and spelling mistakes I am sure to make. Enjoy!


Well, another week is coming to a close.  I am another week closer to really needing a job. (!)  I am getting nervous about it.  It has been fun not having to be anywhere early in the morning, or having to stay anywhere for a specific amount of time if i don't want to, but it is starting to get old.  I think I am ready for the next thing, if only i knew what that was!! 

Jeremy has found a job.  He will be selling shoes at JC Penny.  . . . whatever gets the bills paid.  I hope it will do that for him.  He will probably be back in town in the middle of the week to get more stuff to take to his apartment.  It will be nice to have my garage back--that's where a lot of his furnature is stored at the moment!  It will be nice to see him again.  He left the morning after my previous post where i said he was gone and came back.

I was diagnosed with sleep apnea this week, and was fitted for a very sexy looking air mask that I will have to wear at night.*sarcasm*  I will be sure to take a picture when i get it.  My dog is going to hate it!  He will probably try to claw it off my face while i'm asleep.  I just hope i can finally get a decent night's sleep.

If you have visited me here before, you will notice that i added a survey to the left column.  My dad thinks i look just like Rachel Ray (from Food TV).  Jeremy doesn't see it at all, so i am putting it to a vote, just out of curiosity.  so vote!  Also, i just spent like 4 hours updating my website.  There are a lot of empty links right now, but in the next couple of days they will all lead somewhere.  I don't have a JOB or anything, so i have time to work on it. :D  go to
and have a looksee.

thanks for tuning in!



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