_place title here_

Hi. This is me. Welcome! My disclaimer: This is a casual journal, not a dissertation. Therefore, please disregard any punctuational, grammatical and spelling mistakes I am sure to make. Enjoy!


well, it's nice to know i am keeping to my track record of one and a half posts a YEAR... oh well. so, anyway, hello out there in cyberland. I have been getting ridicule from people *coughs while saying "Kim"* to update this thing, and i guess it is about time. So, here goes: I lost my job at the church. They asked me to please find a job that is actually comparable to my abilities, and leave the admin asst. job for someone who is a better fit--like a high school student. (I am a college graduate.) I guess i didn't think i was THAT over qualified for the job, but I guess that really i am, i was just trying to find things to make it more challenging since i was already working there. It was strange to hear them say that they could tell that i was so under-challenged that it was a struggle to come to work everyday because i hate being so transparent. I thought i was doing a good job of hiding it, but it turns out i was only hiding it from myself, and it was obvious to everyone else! ich! But, in the end, it is a good thing because i have a chance to re-group and try for a job that is actually something that interests me, not just a way to keep from starving to death and going homeless. So, there are no hurt feelings between my boss and me.

Speaking of homeless, Jeremy (my boyfriend) is moving to Nashville soon. He's a musician (and a VERY talented one!!) and he is hoping to find some work in *gasp* music! Well, that and a "joe job" to tide him over until he can work as a musician full time. He has some connections down there that are really helping him get on his way. So, he is going this friday to dig up some job prospects, and unless it is the most awful experience ever, he will probably stay down there. No, I am not planning to follow him right away. True, I am looking for a job, and I am not un-looking (so to speak) in Nashville, but i have more roots established here than he does and I don't want to dig them up at the moment (like a doctor, a therapist, friends, etc). Yes, i will miss him. Yes, it is temporary. Yes, I am proud of him and think that this is the best thing for him. As you can see, I'm a little conflicted emotionally--between cheering him forward and doing everything i can to sabotage his progress--but overall I really do want him to do this, so i am keeping the sabotage to a bare minimum
. ;)

that's about it. Oh, please visit my homepage at www.geocities.com/parodeis . There isn't much there yet, but i am working on it, and hopefully one day soon there will a flash site and an html site so i can show off my ability to steal code and change it to my own particular image. hehehe.

bye for now.


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