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Hi. This is me. Welcome! My disclaimer: This is a casual journal, not a dissertation. Therefore, please disregard any punctuational, grammatical and spelling mistakes I am sure to make. Enjoy!


In Regards to Yesterday...

Eerie sort of day, wasn't it? i was glad to be at work, to think about something else. No one was shopping. ...

I watched the news on my break. There were many memorial services going on. Most, it seemed, rang a bell for each person who died one year ago. A church in down town Columbus rang their bell once every 10 seconds from 8:45am until 5:00pm in order to ring once for each person. Almost 3,000 rings. In New York, the former mayor (i won't even TRY to spell his name...) read off the list of names, and it took him 2 1/2 hours. The magnitude really comes home. Even seeing a building collapse doesn't compare. I have seen buildings collapse before, and in my mind's eye i assume it must be completely empty--but it wasn't.

My senior pastor is a chaplin for the police department in Dublin, OH. THey went to NY to help with disaster relief. It affected him in such a way that he had to undergo extra "de-briefing"--that is what they call counseling for people who are professionals after a disaster of this kind, and it is conducted by the FBI. I didn't get to hear his sermon on Sunday, but i heard it from many others, and this is what he said. You can look at all the distruction, the suffering, and the horror of what happened, or you can go over and look at a room full of melted boots. These boots were worn by people who went back into that building, and searched through the wreckage to find other people, and they did it until their boots blistered because of the heat of the steel support beams of what was once the building. Basically, you can choose to dwell in the sadness of that day, or you can choose to see the compassion, the generosity, and the faith that came out of it. Even in such terrible suffering as this, Joy overcomes Sorrow. Good overcomes Evil, because God is a wonderful God! Good is more powerful than evil, and it still, even now, works towards ultimate Good.

I could go on and on about what i think and feel about 9/11... but that is the ultimate point. I can't be too devestated, because i know there is more hope than that. Make sure you are resting in that hope, and not trying to rely on yourself for protection...


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